Try something creative now, something that will fill your time and calm your soul, something productive that will give value to that time. Something you can do at home just wearing your pajamas whether it's cold or hot.. And what is that? But what else besides PERO HANDMADE EMBROIDERY! Certainly, at the first hearing of the word PERO HANDMADE EMBROIDERY the image of a grandmother on the divan embroidering something precious for her grandchildren or for her daughter's dowry will come to you, but I inform you that embroidery is coming back into fashion for young and old in modern objects and contemporary creations. And yet, the most expensive houses are currently promoting embroidered bags and not only, embroidered sweaters, scarves (because winter is coming - heavy is predicted) or even embroidery on your favorite clothes, a touch of yours that will give another value to your appearance.

It may sound difficult or overly complicated but all you need is patience, imagination and of course the necessary materials. Are you ready; (it's not as much as you think!)

  •         Scissors for fabric
  •         Scissors small for embroidery
  •         Pins
  •         Measuring tape
  •         Iron
  •         Sewing machine
  •         Embroidery needles
  •         Embroidery threads
  •         Fabrics
  •         Racks (to ensure your stitches are neither loose nor tight)
  •         Design materials (if you decide to make your own handmade embroidery)

As you can see, it's not that much, you may already have most of them at home.

Let's move on to the next part, which can be none other than the embroidery stitches. There are so many types of embroidery for all tastes and all occasions you want to use your embroidery. In total there are 56 – yes it sounds like a lot but they are simple and if you start then who catches you. The main and most useful stitches are described below:

Back Stitch: used mainly to join fabrics or as a border in more complex designs.


Blanket Stitch: used to create a border or apply elements to an embroidery.


Bosnian Stitch or Bosnian stitch: its main use is in free or numbered embroidery that presupposes the existence of a zigzag line.



So we have the materials for our embroidery, the types of stitches we can use and it's time to tell you some things to remember:

  • Read the instructions carefully before starting a project! The wrong yarn or the wrong number of strands of yarn can result in the yarn running out before the project is even finished.
  • Choose the right fabric for the type of embroidery you want! For your embroidery, you will definitely need a stable base fabric, with a thread count of 28 or higher. A lower count can lead to misshapen stitches.
  • Choose the right needle size! A larger needle may cause holes or shrinkage in the fabric. Conversely, a smaller needle can make threading difficult, causing fraying and the unwanted lint that clothes have from misuse.
  • Use the right needle! And what do I mean? There are the sharp needles when you have to pierce the fabric so that the thread passes through see embroidery surface. But there are also ball-point needles which should be used when the needle must slide between the threads without piercing them.
  • Don't start and end your project with knots in the thread! Knots prevent the embroidery from being flat. Note that if you wash your creation often, it is very likely that the knots will come loose and you will have gaps in your embroidered area.
  • Choose the right thread! A very thick filling thread can cause wrinkles in your work, while a thin border thread will probably not add tension to your handmade design.
  • Use embroidery thread! Your embroidery can easily be damaged and altered if you choose threads used for bracelets or other types of jewelry.
  • Draw your work with a water-soluble pencil or pen! Commercial pens are great for drawing something on cardboard or paper but not for your fabric. They may wash off and ruin what you have created with love.
  • Use a crate or hoop! You can certainly keep the fabric taut but why bother when you can do your job easier? You achieve uniform, well-formed stitches without much effort.
  • Place the fabric in the correct direction! Your fabric should be placed wrong side out. This way your embroidery will be spotless.
  • During your break, don't forget to remove the embroidery from the frame! It helps keep the fabric taut but can leave permanent creases.
  • Make sure before you start that you have procured all the necessary tools and materials.
  • Pre-save your project! You spend so much time, they take everything with clean hands. Do not put it in the laundry while hand washing only. And finally, iron it always using a thin cotton cloth over it, without pulling it.

Now you are ready to start embroidering!