I still remember my grandmother sitting in her armchair by the window and embroidering for hours holding that round frame, which helped her to keep the fabric stretched so that she could form dot-dot designs. And the results were wonderful… I still have that huge painting in my living room, depicting a beautiful group of young people sitting under a tree, out in nature having what we call today, a very beautiful picnic. How long it must have taken her to complete it.. it's a huge painting that takes up almost half the wall!

The embroidery it is the oldest art of women. At that time the woman had to know this art well to be considered a refined bride, so that she could find a good husband and partner for her life, who would rightfully provide her with all the goods. Especially in the "good societies", in those years, all the girls were engaged in embroidery in their free time, it was a "must" of the time along with learning music or dance, for all young ladies!

Later, the occupation of embroidery turned, in several cases, into the occupation of crochet or knitting. Two arts that "replaced", we could say, not completely, embroidery, since knitting allows the manufacture of many handmade items, mainly clothes in the era we are referring to or dowries for future spouses.

Sewing takes over from simple embroidery and now the needle and thread are used by even more women, mainly now for economic reasons, since sewing became a women's profession, not only used to create beautiful frames or cushions for decorations, but also to save money in the small neighborhoods of the time.

Embroidery Frame

The embroidery frame falls by the wayside as the years go by, as the art of knitting develops more and more in conjunction with sewing. New tools are released, more handmade creations, from clothing to accessories and jewelry, and most importantly; Creations that left profits .. something very important, especially at a time when the world really needed it.

For several years the embroidery frame remained in the warehouses of homes and shops as old stock, since there were few who would ask for such an item for occupation. Embroidery was considered a very beautiful art at one time but completely outdated.!

Yes, embroidery is an outdated art… but its tools are not!

Today we use everywhere his needle, thread, stitches... and in recent years even his box.!!! In addition to the fact that all handicrafts are based on embroidery techniques, there are many that can be created with a frame.

The frame is the quintessential embroidery tool, available in various sizes, so it allows the creation of large or small constructions, as the imagination dictates. Decorations, Frames, Windmills, Holiday decorations, Beautiful designs for a children's room, even favors for a christening or wedding.

Handmade items, without special costs for mass production, items that beautify and impress! All with that traditional, oldest craft tool.. that wooden embroidery frame.

Embroidery may not be in fashion, but it has left an era, it is the ancestor of handicrafts and still continues today in some way! Let's not forget that even today to decorate a design or a garment or an object, we use a needle and thread. They may vary in size, depending on the construction we are making, but it is these two tools, reminiscent of the beautiful ladies at the window with a wreath in hand, creating masterpieces!